Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Unseen Part II

These are shots of some random structure outside of my trailer in Curley Court. This thing definitely has some kind of function but I, not being an engineer or architect, am not aware of what it is exactly. I particularly like the view from within it looking out. It gives the impression that the photographer is in some kind of concrete pit or an empty pool looking out.

The Unseen

This is a view down a drain on the north side of CV. Everyone notices these drains, but I doubt anyone looks down them regularly. Please particularly note the Natie Light can found in the drain... I love going to CUA.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Family on Easter

About every year or so, my family decides to take a group photo when all or most of us happen to be together. This Easter was thus an excellent opportunity for me to take a picture or two. After setting my ISO, white balance, etc. I set my timer to 10 second so I could jump into the photo. Unfortunately after two shots, I noticed that part of my oldest brother's face (the guy to the far left) was washed out by the sunlight. I tried screwing around with these shots in Photoshop, but nothing seems to make it much better. Any suggestions would be nice.


I snapped this picture of the sign of the famous bar, Cheers, in Boston. I decided that turning it into a black and white would make it look a little more antiquated.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lighting of the USS Constitution

The Navy Yards in Boston use blue lights to light the USS Constitution at night. Nice choice.

The Entrance to the Bunker Hill Museum

Lighting in the entrance... self explanitory.

Boondock Saints Poster

I decided to experiment again with my black light and the posters in my apartment. I thought this one ended up looking sick.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Stairs at Curley Hall

When the late afternoon light hits the south facade of Curley Hall, the stair railing reflects from on angle and it looks pretty crazy.